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/ Lo Mejor Del Shareware: Especial Internet / Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso / imagenes / fing031b.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1995-09-28  |  13KB  |  600x411  |  8-bit (19 colors)
Labels: clock | crt screen | dialog box | earth | flower | monitor | plant | sky | trade name | window
OCR: The Fingerer/32 [Unregistered] File Action Options Help OUJ WS INFO Query Finge Server -Ph Query Type Name Email Whois Server PH Server Phone internic.net srV.cis .pitt. edu Command Quick Tips: blank ent for Query fingers an entire machine Right mouse button act ivates popup edit menu (windows 9.5 Look both SAEM before crossing treet can 1o specialized querie ph name=joe phone=911 q enabl .ing the "command' radio button ####################################################################### WIDE BETA RELEASE PLEASE DISTRIBUTE AT WILL!!! Help, press F1 NUM Finger Ouerv street speci queries